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How to Prepare For Your First Reiki Treatment?

Reiki Treatment

Reiki is a method of channeling the basic universal energy, so it can help even with no preparation. However, it is most beneficial to people who are receptive and relaxed. Try to schedule your Reiki treatment for a time when you do not have other stressful events planned. If possible, give yourself time to unwind for at least a few minutes before your session. Reiki therapy can benefit anyone at any time, but it helps to be in a receptive mindset.

It is also important to choose your Reiki practitioner carefully. A Reiki master who heals people professionally will be able to create a calm and relaxing environment. In addition, some insurance plans cover alternative medicine, so be sure to investigate that possibility. With the right insurance plan, you can minimize or entirely remove the cost of treatment by a Reiki master.

Reiki for animals is also popular, and this is not currently covered by the major pet insurance companies. However, many Reiki healers have had great success in healing animals. Reiki treatment for dogs and horses is especially popular, but it can help any animal. Remote healing for animals is especially popular because it can eliminate the stress involved with meeting a stranger while still permitting the benefits of energy healing.

Hands-On Healing Treatment

Many people wonder what to expect with hands-on Reiki healing. The best plan is to wear comfortable, loose clothing to your session. Your comfort is the most important thing. Your Reiki healer may touch you gently or may hold his or her hands slightly over your body.

Reiki Treatment

Before the session begins, your Reiki healer should talk to you about your needs. This is the time to talk about specific health problems you may have as well as anything that makes you uncomfortable. Open communication is important. Your Reiki healer should not ignore your needs or violate your boundaries during treatments.

When the session begins, you will be asked to sit or lie down in a quiet room. Most Reiki healers have soothing music playing in the background. The healer will place his or her hands in various positoins on your body for a few minutes at a time while sending healing energy. Reiki treatments should be comfortable and relaxing, so if you feel uncomfortable do not be afraid to speak up and interrupt the session.

Reiki Distance Healing Session

Reiki can aslo be performed as a distance treatment. Reiki works best if you are relaxed and open, so wear comfortable clothing, dim the lights and put on some soothing music during the time the Reiki healer is working on you. You may feel a sense of warmth or tingling when your treatment begins, or sense light and energy pouring into your body. The healer may also suggest some self Reiki treatment practices to help make you more receptive to the healing energy of Reiki.